The C350 Pudding Mill Lane project involved the construction of a new cut and cover tunnel to allow the installation of a Crossrail line.
The cut and cover eastbound and westbound tunnel provides the transition between the tunnels running beneath central London and the over ground aspect of the line.
Chem-Crete PAVIX CCC 100 was used on the project to protect the concrete for the foreseeable future.
Chem-Crete PAVIX CCC100 is a unique water-based product for permanent protection of concrete structures and other porous substrates against temperature and moisture associated problems, such as damage caused by freeze-thaw cycles and chloride ion penetration.
It keeps treated concrete reasonably dry, thus eliminates all water and moisture related deterioration.
Chem-Crete PAVIX CCC100 is designed specially to protect highway bridges, car parks, buildings and costal structures