Opened in 2011 at a cost of £72m, it boasts of being the largest newly-built national museum in Great Britain for over a century. It is also the first museum that is dedicated to representing its host city, and its historical development. With over 700,000 visitors each year, it is an important that the building is kept in fine condition. Epicuro's Hydrophobic Bridge Guard was chosen to protect the building's Jura Stone external cladding, in this potentially damaging marine environment. Whilst not expected in a City that has a strong sense of community, it is reassuring to know that Hydrophobic BridgeGuard also combats unwanted graffiti. The museum is special because thousands of Liverpudlians were consulted, with their ideas on content and format taken into consideration. The museum is for all ages, with exhibits provided by children under six years of age, for example.